Monday, February 24, 2014

Six Weeks

Dash is officially six weeks old.  I almost can't belive everything that has happened in those six weeks.  He has been gaining weight and doing very well.  He still has some reflux but the meds have helped.  At his last appointment he had gained 14.5 ounces making him 5 lbs 14.5 oz.  He has an ROP check tomorrow.  That is the vision issue that affects preemies, Amaree has this issue so we are anxious to have some results for Dash.  Hopefully he won't have this issue.  He has also been able to turn the oxygen down a little so hopefully he will be off of that soon too!

Tummy time!  Dash can hold his head up for quite a few seconds and uses his head turning ability to look at everyone.

Amaree has been a super helper and loves her brother.  She did finally say she was a little bored and wants to know when he will be able to play, specifically he needs to be able to splash in his bath.  He will be able to play soon enough and then she will complain that he is playing with her toys!  She does love to be able to give him anything she thinks he needs, pacifier, diaper, wipes, blankets, toys, to be bounced, etc.  She is a great big sister!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

And We're Home!!!

Whoa, wait, what?!?  I know, it is crazy!  We were not expecting to be able to come home so soon, but our little Dash suprised us and met all the requirements to come home.
We actually get to leave the hospital!!!

Last week we were trying to plan a way for Amaree to come stay with us longer and to arrange Andrew's work schedule so I asked an NNP to find out what Dashiell needed to do to go home.  She looked and said he could go home tomorrow.  I was shocked.  After much hustle and bustle and arranging, it actually took another day but we were discharged!  There has been so much to do trying to get him ready and we were not prepared.  Coming home to the house and then having to get ready for the baby with him here has been entertaining.

When they weighed him the night before he was discharged he weighed 4 lbs 13 oz.  That is the same weight that Amaree was when she came home!  How crazy is that?

When we arrived, we took Dashiell to his peditrician, and he checked the O2 saturation levels.  Dash had to have the oxygen turned up so he was saturating appropriately but eventually we will be able to wean him back down.

We have been adjusting to the addition of our family and I have loved just being back in my own house, in my own bed, and my own space.  The last few days have been wonderful, it is a blessing to have my family together again!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

100 Days

Today we have spent a total of 100 days in the NICU.  Amaree spent 77 days and Dashiell just made 23.  It is a really big milestone for us.  I have mixed feelings about it. It is really hard to say that you have spent 100 days in the hospital, I feel like I should get a medal or a badge or something.

We have learned so much and have grown more than we could ever have imagined.  We have had to work so hard to have our two little miracles.  It is bittersweet because these 100 days are totally worth it to have them the rest of their lives.

Yesterday I listened to a nurse explain things to a new Dad.  "This monitor does that, this machine does that..."  All of that is completely standard for us now.  Things that freaked us out in the beginning with Amaree don't even phase us now.  There are things that we don't know, which is fine...We don't need to experience every bad thing that happens to preemies.

There are things I feel like I have had to go the the NICU to learn, like how to swaddle a baby, (I totally suck at it) you shouldn't rock a baby that has reflux in a rocking chair, and how to properly label your milk.  Joking aside, what we have learned is patience, how blessed we are, how much we are loved by those around us, the power of prayer and the priesthood, the blessings of being a member of the church, how much we miss home, to accept the service of others, to be humble, accepting the circumstances that we are in, to count our blessings, how much our faith supports us, the strength of our relationship, how precious each life is, and our own strength.  There are many more things that words can't describe and we haven't recognized or even realized yet.

If you have followed our journey, thank you.  We appreciate the love, prayers,  phone calls, comments, texts and even thoughts that have been sent our way.   It has helped make our journey easier.  You have no idea what it has meant to us and helped us keep going.  We have felt your love.

Weight 4 lbs 13 oz