Friday, March 14, 2014

Two Months

Dashiell had his eyes checked and he does not have any sign of ROP, so we are very happy about that.  He has been growing like crazy!  At the eye appointment he weighed 7 lbs 2 oz, which means he is gaining an average of 1.5 oz a day.  .5 oz a day is considered good.  He is able to hold his head up and he tolerates tummy time and has even managed to get him self rolled over to his back a few times.
Gotta love the drool!

Getting ready to see the doctor for his two month checkup!

Dashiell is two months old and that also means we have reached my due date so he is no longer in the negative.  Babies who are born early are evaluated based on their adjusted birth age.  For example, when we went to get his eyes checked he was considered negative 19 days.  At his two month checkup, he is considered a newborn, since his skills should only be that of a newborn.  There are a few things where he is ahead, like being able to hold up his head, and other things where he was behind, like his breathing without oxygen support, and others where he is right on track, like eating every two hours.

At his two month checkup, he impressed the doctor with his size.  He is so big!  He weighed a whopping 8 lbs 10 oz!  I don't know how big he would have been if he would have been born full term, but he is a big boy!  Amaree gained about a pound a month, but Dash seems to gain just under a pound a week.  
Chubby cheeks and a double chin!

We also had some great news at his check up, notice anything:

So excited that I don't have a cord and a tank to anchor me around the house.  But you know the best part?  I can see his whole face! Two months old and this is the first time that there isn't anything on his face since he was born.  Amaree was much older before we had this experience, but it is such a joy to see the little face without any tubes or monitors or stickers.  What a blessing!
Tried to catch the little smile, but it is half way between the smile and the yawn.  Love to see his whole face!


  1. He is so handsome & I'm glad to hear he's doing so well!

  2. I'm so happy to see him. He looks GREAT!
