Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back on Oxygen and starting to eat!

Monday Dashiell kept having "periodic breathing".  Basically that means that he would drop in his O2 saturation levels and was having a hard time maintaining the appropriate levels.  We were really disappointed that he had to go back on the oxygen but we knew that he would be on oxygen when he gets to go home because we have to go over a mountain pass that is 8200 feet in elevation and we live at almost 2000 above what the elevation is in Grand Junction.  We were just hoping that he could stay off of it. 
He still tries to pull the cannula out of his nose all the time!
On Tuesday they let him try to eat all by himself.  He did great so now he is getting two oral feedings a day.  This is really great news because this is the hardest thing he has to learn to do.  If he can keep doing the two and gain weight he will get to move up to a few more a day.  Once he can eat all of his meals orally and not have any A&Bs for five days then we can come home!  I have been praying that we can be home by Valentines day.  However, if he gets tired then he can easily backslide and we will be waiting for him to continue.
Andrew was able to give him his first bottle and he gives him the bottle every time we are doing an oral feeding.  The nurses seem to be surprised that he is so willing to do it, apparently very few Dads here are that active in the feeding process for their babies.  He gave Amaree her first bottle and Dashiell his first bottle so that was a neat thing for us. 
His first bottle!
Dashiell loves his Dad.  After his bottle today, Andrew was burping Dashiell and had him resting on his chest.  Dashiell looked up and just stared at him for a long time, then he fell asleep.  He really loves his dad!
Weight:  4 lbs 5 oz


  1. So happy things are looking up! I've been wondering about that drive home and figured something extra would have to be accounted for.
