Saturday, January 25, 2014

Big Boy Bed (Roller coaster going up!)

Dashiell has to decided that he is way to cool (warm) to be in one of those silly isolettes.  He has mastered maintaining his own body temperature and has been moved to the open crib.  It is much nicer for mom and dad because it is much smaller so more space to move about in the room and he can be taken in and out much easier.  This is a major step and milestone.  One more closer to going home!

Dashiell has also been doing much better digesting his food rather than spitting it up.  They have put him back on fortified breast milk to give him the calories that he needs to grow.  It seems as though Dashiell just struggles a bit with re-flux.  They have discontinued Dashiell daily caffeine (Mt. Dew).  Caffeine is used as a respiratory stimulant but it also linked to re-flux.  Having discontinued the caffeine there is a risk that he may have to go back on breathing support but there is no sign of  that after day two without caffeine.  

If things continue to go well the plan is to begin the process of learning to eat next week.  This is going to be one of the most difficult things he is going to have to do.  Learning to eat is the biggest thing he has to do before going home.  There are a few smaller things he still has to accomplish, but this will be the largest mountain we will have to climb.  It is a really important process and takes a while to learn.  Hopefully it will click soon!

Life in the open cradle!

Going to town on the binkie!  Ready to learn to eat! 
Weight:  3 lbs 15 oz