Monday, January 13, 2014

Dashiell Arrives in Colorado

Dashiell Andrew Purcell joined our family on January 12, 2014.  He was two months early, which is so much farther than his sister!   Mommy was not feeling well the night of January 11 so she decided it was important to go to the hospital and be checked. When she arrived at the hospital they checked her to see if she was dialating, she was at a 1. They ran a few tests to see if she was truly in labor.  Two hours after arriving at the hospital they checked her again and she had progressed to a 4, they also checked little Dashiell and found out he was breach.  The doctor was very concerned that he get mommy and baby to a larger hospital with a NICU so he called to life flight her.   It was a stormy night and snowing in Salt Lake City, the university of Utah hospital where big sister went could not safely come and get mommy because of weather conditions.   Not wanting to delivery in Roosevelt the doctor contacted Saint Mary's hospital in Grand Junction Colorado and requested a life flight. Saint Mary's sent a life flight jet to come and get mommy before she delivered Dashiell.  The team also brought a NICU team just in chance Dashiell decided to come to quickly.  Daddy was also allowed to ride on the jet and be with mommy.  We arrived at Saint Mary's around 4 a.m., they checked to see if Dashiell was still breach and he was so they prepared to deliver him c-section.  Dashiell arrived at 6:43 a.m. and was cared for by a trained NICU  doctor and team which is a big deal.  Dashiell weighed 4 lb and 3 ounces he was intabated and put on breathing machine.


  1. I love you guys! so glad that Heavenly Father is watching out for us, and knows each of us! I'm so very grateful that all is doing well!
    Love you!

  2. It is such a blessing Heavenly Father has allowed medicine to progress to the point that Dashiell could be born and continue to thrive. I'm happy things are going so well. I love you all.

  3. I am so glad is going well for you and your family. I will continue to pray for Jessica and Dashell.
